Breaking The Silence

Written By: Yamna

Are you a man? Do you work in a corporate workforce? Well, if yes then it’ll be easy for you to picture this: a bustling corporate environment, a woman in her impeccably tailored suit. She's navigating the labyrinth of tasks and deals with unwavering dedication. From dawn till dusk, she toils away relentlessly, often surpassing her peers in effort and commitment; however, something is missing. Despite her undeniable talent and boundless motivation, her contributions go unnoticed, like a hidden gem waiting to be unearthed. Why, you may ask. Well, the answer is simple: they’re seen as weak, a liability, a burden on the backs of every company, and all their good for is slaving away and acting like personal secretaries. At meetings, their opinions are less considered, unwanted, and if they become loud or assertive they are considered emotional sensitive. Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

No more though. If men start actively supporting women and refuse to tolerate inequality. This can all be overcome if men start supporting them and not standing by the inequality. For example, if you notice a co-worker struggling to get everyone's attention in a meeting or any other situation, you have the power to amplify their voice. A simple gesture like saying, “Everyone can we please listen to ____ ? She’s been trying to get our attention.” Similarly, if you witness their opinions being dismissed as inferior, you can stand by them and propose, “Let’s take this idea into consideration.” And if all else fails and their voice is disregarded by others, you can make it your personal mission to ensure that a woman's voice is always heard by offering your undivided attention and recognizing their contributions. Now there's no need to praise ideas if they aren't good, however, just giving them the time of day to listen and possibly give positive constructive feedback you'd be acting as an ally to all women. Many times women’s ideas have been stolen and not accredited for. So emphasizing, and valuing, the good ideas and opinions of women, be it by mentioning their ideas to higher-ups or correcting those who misattribute credit, isn’t giving them special treatment – it's treating them with fairness.

The struggles women may face in the workplace

Another way men can empower women is by openly raising awareness, speaking out when hearing sexist language, and confronting sexism head-on. While it can be challenging to intervene when witnessing unfair treatment, men holding each other accountable for derogatory remarks send a powerful message that such behavior will be tolerated.

Women shouldn't have to fight for promotions, credit, or simply to be heard without interruption. It’s imperative to acknowledge that advocating for fairness isn’t a sign of defensiveness; it's a fundamental right that remains elusive for many women. In today’s workforce, women are often considered disposable, given labels, and continue to face scrutiny of their personal lives. This is why it's crucial for men to stand alongside them, and empower their colleagues. For far too long, women have shouldered the burden of this fight alone. However, if men actively practice and promote fairness,workplaces would undoubtedly flourish with increased innovation, creativity, and profitability for all. Every step toward equality and support towards women puts our society on a road to a better future.

Creating a balance between men and women in the workplace


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